Hallå där! 👋 Hello there! 👋 Ahoy matey! 🦜
Jag är Tobias Olsson, en datateknikstudent på Chalmers som brinner för problemlösning och att lära mig nya teknologier.
För närvarande studerar jag en master i Data Science and AI som en del av min civilingenjörsutbildning.
Kika gärna på mina projekt på Github eller kontakta mig via e-post!
Kika gärna på mina projekt på Github eller kontakta mig via e-post!
I'm Tobias Olsson, a Computer Science and Engineering student passionate about learning new technologies and solving problems.
Currently pursuing a Master's in Data Science and AI at Chalmers.
Feel free to explore my projects on Github or reach out to me via email!
Feel free to explore my projects on Github or reach out to me via email!
I be known as Captain Tobias Olsson (though ye can call me Cap'n for short), a seasoned seafarer with a passion for adventure on the high seas.
From the stormy tempests of the Caribbean to the icy waters of the North Atlantic, I've navigated through every perilous wave and treacherous current.
And if ye need to send a message, trust me faithful parrot, Polly. She'll carry yer words across the seas with wings as swift as the wind.
And if ye need to send a message, trust me faithful parrot, Polly. She'll carry yer words across the seas with wings as swift as the wind.